When we announced the first wave of our presale, we didn’t know how things would go down.
Maybe we’d sell a few hundred Nametags the first day, and then slowly word would spread around & eventually more and more people would learn about the project.
But, we sold out, and we sold out fast.
Time for the fun part.
Development Priorities
Now that we’ve sold out, the development team is working around the clock so that we can deliver some great, quick wins to the Nametag community.
The Nametag Marketplace
We are currently integrating a marketplace directly into nametag.org.
We’ve received feedback that the user experience for outsiders on the Nametag website is fairly convoluted, and leads to confusion as to how to mint/purchase Nametags.
Since we are sold out, users must currently purchase a blank Nametag from the aftermarket and add it to their MetaMask wallet before they can claim a username.
Once an on-site marketplace has rolled out, a much smoother onboarding process will allow users without blank Nametags in their wallet to directly purchase the lowest priced aftermarket blank during the naming process — leading to much lower friction & complexity in the user onboarding experience. This, specifically, is why we have prioritized this improvement.
Time Estimate: By the end of this week (May 21st)
The Nametag Founders Group
Our first priority is to launch the Nametag Founders Group (read about it here), with the Nametag integration fully built out.
This will allow community members to start interacting in an immediate, close-knit space that directly demonstrates the value proposition of universal usernames.
Time Estimate: Expect a full rollout (with integration) by the week of May 24th.
There are additional use cases of Nametag in development. We will be making a number of announcements in the following weeks.
Other Priorities
We’ve taken to purchasing some blank Nametags on the aftermarket, in order to secure a supply which we’ll be providing to influencers across the internet, and to general users via a number of planned promotions.
We feel this is a fair way to source Nametags, as it avoids the issue of project funds flowing directly back into project purchases, which would effectively invalidate our presale (basically, we’d be paying ourselves and taking Nametags away from the community).
We are launching a number of unique promotions to raise awareness of Nametag in the coming days and weeks, and have started communications with some serious, experienced advertisers in the technology space. We are excited to start spreading the word extensively, and coupled with improved onboarding, we believe this push will bring about a huge influx of Nametag community members.
Closing Thoughts
We want to thank the entire community for helping with an amazing launch, and we can’t wait to build the future of usernames.
— The Nametag Team